Saturday, December 29, 2007

The Jeep: Good News and Bad News

I still don't have my new Jeep. It remains in "KZ" status, which means it's released from the factory and invoiced to the dealer. It has been in that status for two weeks now.

The holdup is probably a result of holiday slowdowns at the factory and in the shipping department. My dad talked to the dealership today while conducting other business there...the dealership said that they are going to change my Jeep's status to "sold unit", meaning I'll be locked into my 0%/36 mo. financing, which was set to expire Wednesday. They also said they had another vehicle that took over two weeks in KZ status earlier this month, so this wait is not at all unprecedented.

So, the news isn't really that good finance deal is secured, and all I have to do now is take possession of the Jeep, which I'm really not in that big of a hurry to do. Most of my accessories haven't arrived yet, and as long as my financing is safe, I have no reason to be in a hurry.

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