Saturday, December 29, 2007

Bought a New Camera

Tonight I bought a Canon SD1000 Digital Elph camera. It was a really good deal (on sale for $149.99 at Best Buy). I was wanting a mini camera to complement my large Canon S2 IS...I wanted to have the capability to take a camera with me everywhere. This camera certainly fits the bill: it's about the same size as my cell phone, and smaller than a pack of cigarettes. Along with the camera I bought a soft case that fits on my belt, and a 4GB SDHC card that was on sale. So now I'll be able to take a picture of anything I decide to, as I'll always have a camera by my side. When I'm traveling or doing something that requires a large zoom, I'll use the S2 IS.

I'll have pictures of the camera and from the camera in later posts.

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