Sunday, April 29, 2007

Finally, An Online Photo Album

It took me long enough, but I finally established an online home for my digital photos, in order to both share them and back them up. I set up a Flickr Pro account, which only costs around $2/month and gives me unlimited upload space and unlimited bandwidth. It's only restriction is that photos can't be any larger than 10mb each, which will never be a factor with my current camera (my max res pictures are around 1.5mb).

Although I show occasional "flashes" of brilliance, most of my pictures are nothing to write home about. I mainly wanted to have an online backup of my photos, in case my writable media ever fails me. I do have quite a few really cool shots that I want to share with the world, though.

Flickr has a ton of really neat features. Using an online map, I "geotag" my pictures - this displays on the map where the pictures were taken, and also gives the location of where a picture was taken in the lower right portion of the individual picture's page. Flickr also gives the capability of sharing photos between friends or interest groups. I'm currently a member of the "OBX" and "Lighthouse Lovers" groups, and I'll probably join quite a few more groups soon.

Since you can view all of the pictures that Flickr members make public, one of the most fun things to do on the site is look at everyone else's masterpieces. It's inspiring to look at so many high quality, professional looking shots - it makes me want to learn more about photography and take more interesting, higher quality pictures. I'm hoping to learn some tips and tricks I can use for my trip next month to the Outer Banks.

You can find a link to my Flickr photo album on the right side of the page near the top, in the green section, under the heading "Me, Elsewhere."


Anonymous said...

Whoops! My comment about your weather report got on the wrong report. Enjoyed your report and photos.

Unknown said...

you've got a lot of good pics on there.