Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Major Thunderstorms

Today has been quite a day for thunderstorms so far. We were predicted to have a slight chance of severe thunderstorms today, but the general thinking was it would be a squall line ahead of the cold front later this evening. Instead, a complex of small tornadic supercells has developed along the warm front, right in this general vicinity.

So far the majority of this activity has been to my south, and it appears that it will remain so. Earlier we had tornado warnings for Wood County, and right now we have tornado warnings bracketing this area...right now in Hillsdale County, MI and Lucas and Wood counties here in Ohio. I just got a good listen of the tornado sirens about 10 minutes ago, but the dangerous part of the storm is around 10 miles south of me. There have been reports of tornadoes touching down south of Wauseon and again near Waterville...lots of reports of quarter to golf ball size hail, too.

EDIT: There are now tornado warnings for Fulton and Henry counties, along with a funnel being tracked near Bowling Green...so there's stuff happening all over the place. This is the worst cluster of tornadic storms I've seen in this area in a long time.

I took a couple of pictures earlier today before the bulk of the severe weather began:

Below is a picture of the cumulonimbus that resulted in the first tornado warning of the day in Wood County. This picture is from when it was just west of the airport.
Below is a picture of some mammatus clouds that were directly overhead my house, during the second storm of the day. Not the most impressive looking mammatus ever, but definitely mammatus.

UPDATE: Lucas County is now under it's second tornado warning of the day...Wood County is under it's THIRD tornado warning of the day. All staying south of me thankfully.

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