Thursday, February 22, 2007

Some New Weather Features

As we are now only a week away from the beginning of Meteorological Spring, I'm working on adding some enhanced severe weather features to the site.

The best new things are the Day 1 and Day 2 Severe Weather Outlook maps from the Storm Prediction Center. They fit very well on the right-side column and a click of either map will take you directly to the SPC's outlook page. Less impressive is the active regional radar loop. It's a direct port of an approximately 500x400 radar image, so it's resolution is marginal at best. If it wasn't for the lakes giving a good point of reference, the map would be worthless. I'm not sure whether I'm going to keep the low-res loop or go back to the better-res still image. Clicking the map brings up the full-res image.

Some additional new features may be on the way as well, as I look for some more cool weather stuff.

I also amended the blog archive from a hierarchy to a simple pull-down menu, in order to free up space on the right-side column.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really like the radar weather feature you have added. Aunt Janet