Wednesday, September 13, 2006

New World Trade Center Design Finalized

This is it. These are the finalized designs that will replace the structures lost five years ago.

The first designs that showed up in 2002 were scary to say the least...they all looked like the entire team of designers and architects were on drugs (who knows, they probably were). I'm happy to see how things were refined in the years since to this final product. I really like how these buildings look on the skyline, and I think they make a worthy replacement to what was lost.

The main tower, known as WTC Tower 1 or Freedom Tower, is to be 1368' tall (same height as the former WTC Tower 1) with a spire/antenna that reaches a poignant 1776'.

The tower with the slanted, diamond-like roof is WTC Tower 2, which will be 1254' (78 stories) to the roof and 1339' to the tip of it's antenna.

The rectangular building with the twin antennas just to the right of the Freedom Tower is WTC Tower 3, which will be 1,155' high and 71 stories.

WTC Tower 4 is in the background to the right of Tower 3, and is 947' tall/61 stories.

The entire complex is scheduled for completion in 2012. More info is available at

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