Thursday, October 04, 2007

2008 Vacation Planning

It's getting to be that time of year again for me: choosing my "prime-time leave", which is in essence semi-guaranteed vacation time. It's probably going to be a month or so before it's my turn to pick my days off, but it's time to start thinking now when I want to take off and where I want to go.

A small group of us from work are tentatively planning a road trip around the shoreline of the lower peninsula of Michigan. We're hoping to only take one or two days off each for this trip, bookending our regular days off. We haven't decided yet which time of year this bizarre caravan of a couple motorcycles and a Jeep will depart. :-)

I'd also like to take a full week off some other time during the year and go somewhere...I just have no idea where yet. Ever get completely disinterested in seeing new places and things? That's kinda where I'm at right now. I do plan on sometime taking the new Jeep to the beach, but not this upcoming year. So I'm going to have to do some research and some thinking to come up with a travel destination. I know I want to stay east of the Mississippi, but that's about it so far...

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