Thursday, August 30, 2007

Trail Ride at a New Venue

Location: Secor Metropark
Distance: approx. 6.4 miles
Avg. Speed: unknown
Max. Speed: unknown

Today Micah joined Brian and I on our now-weekly bike ride. We decided to try Secor Metropark, which was an interesting change because the trail is very different from the one at Oak Openings. While Oak Openings is a pretty straight forward forest trail, Secor is a more "technical" trail (if you want to call it that) with more elevation changes and quick transitions from fast straights to tight corners.

This was a fun ride but it was somewhat more painful than my previous ones. I was slow on my gear changes and that made the climbs very difficult. That is something I need to work on next time. Also I broke my trip computer when I got my wires caught in the tire...which explains my inexact stats this time around.

Overall it was a fun ride and it was nice to have Micah along this time. After the ride we went to Mello Creme to add back some of those burned calories. :-)

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