Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Winter Storm Update Final

The storm's over. It stopped snowing at 7:00 this morning (or so I'm told...I wasn't actually awake then) after having snowed for about 24 hours straight. Given how long it snowed, we didn't get a whole lot. I'd say it was no more than 6 inches up here in Sylvania. There was far more snow to the south in places like Fort Wayne and Findlay.

It certainly wasn't a blizzard here...visibility never fell below a mile or so. Snowfall was always very light, but the blowing and drifting caused a significant problem. I had some 2' drifts in my driveway that my snowblower had major difficulty with. The county was under level 2 and 3 snow emergencies all day, so I'm glad I had today off.

The forecast hit very close to the mark, the snow line just fell a little south of where the computer models put it about 36 hours out; this was a very good showing for the models. I'm happy it wasn't more than a nuisance here. For the areas south and west of here - and in the northeast where they're getting buried today - the Blizzard of 2007 will be long remembered.

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