Saturday, February 17, 2007

Is GM Going to Buy Chrysler??

Maybe, according to many news stories that have emerged in the past few days. The story, in essence, is that Daimler Benz bought the highly profitable Chrysler Corporation in 1998, sucked it dry, and is trying to spit out the carcass. There are many possible scenarios including a spin-off, a buyout by a non-automotive entity, or a buyout by another auto manufacturer. Possible buyers, outside of GM, would be Renault or (worst case of all) one of the Chinese companies.

I would most prefer to see a spin-off or a private consortium buy Chrysler. If it has to be a carmake buying Chrysler, I hope it is GM. It would keep the company's remains here at home, and it would (hopefully) help GM in the fight against Toyota. It's an intriguing thought considering just how a GM/Chrysler marriage would play out. Would it just be platform sharing or a complete merger? Which (if any) nameplates would survive? Would my next Jeep actually be a Humm...mmf...umpf...whew...I just threw up there a little bit...I'm okay. I hope that doesn't happen. In all actuality, I think GM would value the Jeep nameplate.

Anyhow, there are tons of news stories on this, and I have to think where there's smoke, there's at least a little bit of fire. If nothing else, the two companies are talking at very high levels over something. It will be very interesting to see how this plays out...the impacts to the economy will be enormous.

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