Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Schadenfreude is a German word with no direct English translation. It's literal meaning is "pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others."

There is no better word to describe my feelings today after Florida's crushing defeat of Ohio State last night. All season I've had to put up with it: obnoxious OSU fans who made claims of their team's invincibility, Troy Smith's poise, an unstoppable offense, punishing defense, etc.

My problem isn't with the casual Buckeye fans, it's with those who had putdowns and smack-talk for all comers, be it fans of other Big 10 schools or fans of other conference teams.

The OSU big talkers conveniently forgot that their team didn't play anybody. They played a vastly overrated Texas team in week 2, Penn State - whose offense wasn't ready for prime-time in week 4, an overrated Iowa team that finished the season 6-7, and a close win versus Michigan, who also played a weak schedule.

OSU, and the Big 10 in general, was exposed last night as an overall weak conference. Michigan getting bombed by USC also proves that point. This fact should disappoint me, but my love for the Big 10 isn't greater than my wanting to see those mouthy Buckeye fans put in their place.


Anonymous said...

Go Purdue!!! Oh wait. What bowl game did they play in again?

The Toilet Bowl??

Jeff said...

That's irrelevant, since I never claimed Purdue was great. Most of my comments this year were directed at how awful they were.

Had I ever talked smack about Purdue's "greatness" (not jokingly), you would have something here.