Thursday, June 30, 2005

East Harbor and Marblehead State Parks

Yesterday, my parents and I took a short road trip to the East Harbor and Marblehead State Parks, on the peninsula east of Port Clinton. It was nice just to have the change of scenery, and to see some things nautical for once. I'm tired of spending all my time looking at fields, be they soybean fields or airfields.

It wasn't all perfect, though. The beach at East Harbor (although it's probably as good as they can do) is entirely too small, certain places along the lake reeked of dead fish, and the little towns didn't have that coastal town "feel" to them. The Atlantic Coast this is not, but for being only a little more than an hour away, the "North Coast" isn't too bad for an occasional getaway. Judging from the number of boats there were, I have to believe that the majority of the fun is to be had offshore.

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